//super awesome !
sweet owner

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Diaries Owner Friends Stuff

"I love my life . no matter it is good or bad . cause I know , god is always with me"




Lumrah ..

kenapa manusia suka cari salah orang ? apa yang buruk dalam diri kita ni semua dia nampak . tapi benda yang buruk dalam diri dia tu dia tak nampak . tak sedar diri . I'm not saying I'm perfect in fact I know I'm so far from it . I just don't understand why people always being so selfish . 

I'm telling ya , I just being me . this is me . if you don't like it , then go away ! get your own life ! close your mouth ! tak payah kecoh macam semua benda kau tahu . you don't know me well ! you judge me by my past but I don't live there anymore .. please stop it ! stop blame on me ! 

tolong lah . kau tak sedar ke kau buat fitnah ni menambah nambahkan dosa yang memang dah belambak tu ? stop lah cari dosa . yes . manusia tak boleh lari dari melakukan dosa tapi boleh kawal right ? I don't know what to say . may Allah bless your life babe !